James Krueger James Krueger

Profile Updated: November 1, 2016
Residing In: Chicago, IL USA
Occupation: Retired
Children: Just my cats Irbis and Mo Mo

Attended college at Whitewater Wisc for 2 years and transferred to Roosevelt University in Chicago where I received a BA and did all the class work towards an MA but not the thesis. Worked at several jobs for short periods of time: Il Public aid caseworker (3 times), adult book store and stock manager (2 times), assistant dog groomer part time where I realized I preferred cats, part time stack worker at a library and finally survived as a claims rep for Social Security for 33+ years. I retired in April 2009 to take care of my partner who I met in 1978 at a wild week end in Des Moines Iowa (if that is not an oxymoron)and cared for him til his death in November 2011. We travelled a bit including Hawaii, Florida, China, South East Asia, Spain, Mexico, Peru and Guatemala. Would love to travel more but would you believe they actually want a person to pay for air fare and hotels. As if my sparkling personality was not enough recompense. I garden and read a lot and talk to my cats. The cats answer when it suits them. They occasionally encourage me to clean the apartment and have recently started to suggest I go for a walk. Something about my weight I believe they said or maybe it was to give them a break. I spend some time on my computer doing god knows what and do check up on friends and relatives on Face Book. Other than that I spend my time finding new and exciting ways to procrastinate about doing all of the above.

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Aug 25, 2018 at 7:51 PM

Hey Jack! Received an update on Classmates when Rose Marie wished you a “spectacular day” and am sending you the best. Will probably send the usual rude birthday card to you on Facebook but will be in Michigan at my brother’s for ten days on your birthday. Brother is picking me up when he brings Mother from Kenosha. We’ll see. Am feeling well even with the residual affects of the chemo early 2017 and the brain radiation in 12/2017 and 05/2018. Just really fatigued. No feeling sick at any time however. Did get some gardening in this summer but not as much as in the past. Will add a photo. The landlord loves it. Hope to see you again when you are driving past Chicago. Again, Happy Birthday a little early.

Nov 01, 2016 at 4:01 PM
James Krueger James Krueger added a photo to profile gallery. New comment added.
Nov 05, 2016 at 11:53 AM

Posted on: Nov 01, 2016 at 4:00 PM

Sep 28, 2016 at 11:33 AM
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Posted: Nov 01, 2016 at 4:00 PM